Sunday, September 18, 2011

Review Meeting and Feedback

Review Meeting 2 : 15th Sept, Thursday ( 45 minutes)

- So in my meeting, I began with showing on the changes I had to make from the feedback i got in my last meeting, Such as clarifying the meaning and time period of the word Vintage, and also my target audience.

- Then I showed my colour palattes, tonality board and other necessary research points.
- After I showed all the explorations I had done in leather, including moulding of leather.
- All iterations I had done in designing a mini bar, followed by a client meeting where I decided to not design a mini bar but something different and came on to designing a " bar trolley".
- Followed by sketches of bar trolleys.
- Sketchup models of chosen designs.
- AutoCad drawings and details of chosen trolley.

The feedback given was:

- Click pictures of existing trolleys you see in and around the place and sort of visualise where what will go in terms of the items you will place on the trolley, such as glasses, bottles, coasters, ice bucket etc.
- Need to bring a relationship between leather as a material and the design. It’s not just a matter of cladding the wood with leather but showing how leather is the best material for this design.
- Also in the design make sure ergonomically that the bottles dont fall, while the trolley is being rolled.
- Continue moulding and try ways of not making it brittle.
- Try making the trolley not look so "wooden".
- So the final design was selected with now going on to the prototyping stage.

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