Monday, August 22, 2011

1st Review Meeting Feedback

First Review Meeting - August 11th - 55 minutes
Showed all levels of research from concept clarification to understanding of my material "Leather".
This involved mind mapping, properties of the material, detailed process from raw to finished material, leather culture, different forms and attributes, little about the industry and the scope and craftsmanship.
Finalised moodboards and inspiration board, target audience (User personas), market surveys, and case studies ( CLRI- Chennai)

Feedback given was good and very helpful and boosted up my plan and timeline.
John, Meena and Jyothsna wanted me to start immediately on my ideations for the products im designing and more importantly fix on what my final products are going to be. All agreed on my research being sufficient and validating the material im using.
Further want me clarify on my theme "Vintage", cause the term has different connotations in different time periods and understand how i will express it on to my designs and products.
Also Meena suggested a website "Restoration Hardware" which resembles the look and feel of my theme and visiting the Stanley Store.
Jyothsna also suggested a book " Maharaja- the splendour of India's royal courts, to help in understanding the theme better.
John also asked me to have all my ideations ready for the next meeting and have some final sketches. Also explorations are important in the material , now the research is done and understood.
So now, the feedback will be incorporated and I will start on my explorations on the material , tonality board and colour palattes will be posted asap and ideate at the same time, and come up with some FINAL sketches :)

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